Department is headed by Kelvin Maemba.

Its core function is to protect the dignity of the human person and that is done by providing relief to those who are suffering due to various reasons i.e. disabilities, supporting disadvantaged groups, and rescuing the lives of endangered people.

At the moment the department is carrying out rehabilitation to more than 600 children and young people with disabilities and promotes inclusive education and empowerment to single parents who do have children who are physically and mentally challenged. Moreover, the department is sponsoring more than 60 orphans with primary and secondary education, and a considerable number of interventions have been carried out during disasters.

The program is sponsored through the local church, community donations, and catholic and non-Catholic organizations, and at current it has four rehabilitation units.

The Department is working in collaboration with the Referral Hospital of Mbeya through sharing of expertise in both physical and psychosocial services.

The Department has a total of 17 staff from within Tanzania and receives time-to-time volunteers from abroad ranging from four to eight.