SHALOM Development Organization (SHADO) formerly known as Caritas Development Organization (Caritas Mbeya) is the development and relief organization under the Catholic Archdiocese of Mbeya, working with urban and rural poor communities in the Archdiocese covering Mbeya and Songwe Regions. It was established in 1972 as an outreach of the Archdiocese to various development programs geared towards improving the living conditions of rural communities in the area, specifically targeting community development, relief, and emergence programs in the case of disasters. Briefly, it is a coordinating and facilitating body of the Archdiocese of Mbeya (Covering 2 regions of Mbeya and Songwe Regions), working in partnership with local organizations and communities through training, awareness creation, capacity building, fundraising, research, lobby and advocacy, and other ways of technical support to strengthen their effectiveness in helping them utilize their resources to meet their basic needs for justice and well-being of everybody. Caritas Mbeya has changed its name and registered as SHALOM Development Organization (SHALOM) registration number 00NGO/R/1473 of 11th November 2020 to comply with the government NGO Act Law number 3 of 2019 that required all faith-based institutions/organizations to register as Non-government organization.
To help people raise the level of awareness on addressing the challenges in their community through compassionate and volunteering activities to achieve a better sustainable future.
A community is healthy, knowledgeable, environmentally friendly, and economically independent