SHADO is implementing HIV/AIDS program activities in two District councils which are Mbozi (33 Wards) and Ileje (18 Wards) and 30 supported health facilities that provide care, support, and treatment. This project is carried out in collaboration with Henry Jackson Medical Research International, Inc.-Tanzania (HJFMRI-T) through President Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) under WRAIR/DoD.
The HIV prevention services specifically target the general population, priority, key and vulnerable populations (i.e., PWID, People in prisons and closed settings and other incarcerated people, and FSW). Services are achieved through Index Testing, Mobile testing, HIV self-testing (HIVST), Social Networking Strategy (SNS) including Mwanaume Jitambue, Moonlight testing, Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) Services, GBV/VAC Services, and, provision of health education on risks behaviors such as gender norms, condom distribution, linkage of HIV positive clients to care, support and treatment.
In addition that complements a Person-Centered Continuous ART by tracing and tracking clients who missed their scheduled appointment (MISAPPs) visits and experienced Interruption in Treatment (IIT) and provision of prevention services for adolescent girls and young women (AGYW) at substantial risk through tailored evidence-based interventions. The ctivities are emphasized in all hotspots that have already identified high HIV prevalence and concentrate on the right people in the right area at the right time.
The program uses the SASA model in addressing harmful behaviors. It also trains school children on how to identify violence and where to report it, we use Coaching Boys into Men (CBIM) to train the boys. Also uses the "No Means No module" to teach girls how to defend themselves when someone attaches them.